Bruce Moen

How People Aid Souls Lost after Passing

About Bruce

Bruce Moen is a mechanical engineer with his own consulting firm. In 1992, Bruce attended a Monroe Institute workshop on Lifeline, the program the Institute offers that teaches people how to go to the other side of life and help people who are unable to advance from the earth plane vibration. He has freed "lost souls" from their isolated, sometimes terrifying post-death existence; helped them regain free will choice over their own destiny; brought comfort to those left behind when a loved one dies; moved earthbound ghosts to their place in the Afterlife; and verifiably explored nonphysical human consciousness and other realities.

Afterlife exploration has profoundly changed his life. It's taught him what Love is and shown him the purpose of his life. Through this website, his books and tapes, and his workshops, Bruce is sharing a continuing journey of discovery.

In his workshop, Bruce teaches the Art of Retrieval as a means of learning to make contact and communicate with those living in the Afterlife. Participants learn to make contact with nonphysical Helpers, you might call them guides, angels, or some other name. Participants learn how to work with Helpers to perform retrieval of those who get stuck after death. Just in interactions with Helpers and those who are stuck, participants begin to learn, firsthand, more about the structure and inner workings of human afterlife existence. Continuing to work with Helpers, Participants learn how to explore the areas of our afterlife I've written about in my books. And, participants can use what they learn to explore any reality or dimension that exists beyond our physical world. That might sound like an outlandish statement, but the experiences of previous workshop participants demonstrate its reality.