Anne and Herb Puryear

The Threshold Room: An Environment that Facilitates Afterlife Connections






Anne Puryear, D.D., is an author, minister, therapist, and vice-president and co-founder of The Logos Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. Anne's psychic work has earned her international recognition as one of the most helpful, hopeful, motivating, and life-changing spiritual counselors in the country. Anne was Co-founder of the Spiritual Science Research Center in Washington, D.C., and after moving to Phoenix in 1977, spent four years as Director of the Department of Spiritual Healing at the A.R.E. Medical Clinic, the Medical Research Division of the Edgar Cayce Foundation. She was the Co-founder of the Center for Life Guidance in Phoenix.

Anne's son, Stephen, took his own life when he was fifteen years, three months, and fifteen days old, because he felt it hurt more to live than to die. In her book, Stephen Lives, Anne tells about her own search to understand her cherished teenage son's suicide. As Anne searched to understand Stephen's suicide, something remarkable happened: she found a way to connect with Stephen in the spirit realm, beginning a series of astonishing conversations in which Stephen answered her many questions while reaching out through her to help others in crisis.

Herb Puryear, Ph.D., president and co-founder of the Logos Center, was on the psychology faculty at Trinity University in San Antonio. He spent two years in laboratory research on the psychophysiology of sleep and dreaming, was in private practice in psychotherapy featuring dream interpretation, and was a clinical consultant to the psychology department at the San Antonio State Hospital. In 1969, he joined the Edgar Cayce organization, A.R.E., in Virginia Beach as Director of Education and Research and president of Atlantic University. Herb has authored eight books, including the Bantam international best seller, The Edgar Cayce Primer, and has been published in numerous scientific publications.

The Threshold Room at the Logos Center

In May 1983, Anne and Herb founded the Logos Center, an educational and research center with an interfaith spiritual community, dedicated to helping one another awaken to the Divine nature within ourselves and within all human beings. In the Logos Center, they have constructed a room to facilitate afterlife connections called the Threshold Room. The name is based on the premise that the Threshold is the space between rooms and the room is the space facilitating communication between dimensions. It has been experienced by some as a portal to the spirit planes.

The design is based on research demonstrating that extrasensory perception (ESP) accuracy is enhanced when a person is in a room shielded from electromagnetism. The Threshold room is a ten by ten foot room with walls, floor, and ceiling shielded with copper screening and grounded with copper rods. The metal door is also grounded. It contains a CD player with meditation CDs, the Monroe Hemisync® CDs, amethysts set at the apex and four corners of the room in a special energy grid, and oils for attunement. A large mirror is mounted high on the wall in front of the meditator for mirror gazing to enhance having afterlife communications.

Anne and Herb Puryear conducted three research projects studying the effects of the Threshold room on afterlife communication. In the studies, participants were trained in an approach to meditation that enhances communications with the spirit plane. The participants then meditated in the Threshold Room following a structured schedule of sessions over a six- to eight-week period. During the studies, participants recorded their experiences before and after each session to provide research data for the study. At the end of each study, the records were analyzed to learn whether participants had successful afterlife connections.

The research showed that 72% of the 25 participants using the room twice a week, for an hour each time, for 8 weeks, had experiences with their loved one who died. They saw them in the mirror placed above the participant, heard them, touched them, smelled an odor associated with them, and had other experiences.